- 2019-02-28Intelligent IoT RFID Technology Application on Edge computing
- 2019-01-06Stability and oscillation of delay differential and difference equations
- 2019-01-06Asymptotic stability and uniform asymptotic stability of damped linear oscillators
- 2018-12-29现代统计学科的建设与发展
- 2018-12-27Joint Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Informative Observation and Terminal Event Times
- 2018-12-27Concordance Measure-based Feature Screening and Variable Selection
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- 2018-12-20Attractor and Bifurcation of forced Lorenz-84 system
- 2018-12-14Pplace: VLSI global placement using analytical solution of Poisson’s equation
- 2018-11-20线性系统的能控性
- 2018-11-20Canadian Universities and Research Opportunities
- 2018-11-09人工智能与模糊粒计算
- 2018-11-09时序大数据的挖掘
- 2018-10-31如何进行高质量的科研选题
- 2018-10-30符号网络上的随机游走