- 2020-05-27Simultaneous Colorings of Plane Graphs
- 2020-05-27职前教师应知应会1236
- 2020-05-25Some spectral Turan-Type results of graphs
- 2020-05-25Constructing new 3D chaotic system with any number of equilibria and many chaotic attractors
- 2020-05-25数学核心素养培养:从深度教学到深度学习
- 2020-05-22基于多伴随的直觉模糊多属性群决策模型
- 2020-05-21广义多尺度信息系统中基于信息熵的最优尺度组合选择
- 2020-05-18Convex hull based distance metric learning for face classification
- 2020-01-04通讯网络环境下两类传统控制的再评估
- 2020-01-04时滞正Markov跳变线性系统的稳定性分析
- 2019-12-30Spanning trees in bipartite graphs
- 2019-12-30Maximum Spectral Radius of Outerplanar Graphs
- 2019-12-27Regularized projection score estimation of treatment effects in high-dimensional quantile regressi…
- 2019-12-25The first exit time of a Brownian motion
- 2019-12-12虚拟仿真技术与应用
- 2019-12-12概率统计的内容、意义、进展及其教学