- 2020-10-18动态环境感知的移动对象不确定性预测关键技术研究
- 2020-10-18模糊覆盖粗糙集及其扩展模型研究
- 2020-10-13Median eigenvaules of graphs
- 2020-09-17Degree sums and dominating cycles
- 2020-08-01Long cycles in graphs passing through given elements
- 2020-07-30The Turan number of Berge-$K_4$ in3-uniformhypergraphs
- 2020-07-08Nice explicit inverse matrices of some special matrices involving famous numbers
- 2020-07-06三支决策模型及应用
- 2020-07-06Adversarial Examples
- 2020-07-02三支决策:不确定性模型和动态决策方法
- 2020-07-02Radermacher复杂度及其应用
- 2020-07-01A vector general nonlinear Schrödinger equation with (m+n) components
- 2020-06-27Iterative weighted thresholding homotopy for the sparse solution of underdetermined linear equatio…
- 2020-06-24不分文理科背景下数学科高考命题的相关研究
- 2020-06-24概念认知学习的粒计算机理及其最新研究进展
- 2020-06-24信息系统的属性约简