- 2020-12-10Factorial and Crossover design
- 2020-12-10医药制造业集聚的区域经济增长效益测度
- 2020-12-09Unit-root Test for Dependent noises
- 2020-12-09Rationale for the design of Phase Ⅲ trials
- 2020-12-07Phase II Clincal Trials
- 2020-12-07高观点下的初等数学
- 2020-12-04Phase I Clincal Trials
- 2020-12-02金融大数据分析:基于函数型数据分析方法
- 2020-11-26L-functions of twisted exponential sums over finite fields
- 2020-11-26Complete characterization of qubit masking
- 2020-11-23国民经济统计:SNA-2008整体框架与账户体系
- 2020-11-20树立正确科研观,走出精彩为师路
- 2020-11-20教育科研论文写作要求与规范
- 2020-11-18Edge coloring of K_5-minor free graphs
- 2020-11-18On generic continuity of maps to posets with metrics
- 2020-11-18The diagonal properties and Mrowka spaces