- 2016-01-01教学与树人之我见
- 2015-10-29Gelfand-Shilov and Gevrey smoothing effect for the spatially inhomogeneous non-cut off Kac equatio…
- 2015-09-21统计学生谈统计
- 2015-09-07Cahn-Hilliard 方程的三层线性化紧致差分格式
- 2015-05-15粒计算与大数据挖掘
- 2015-05-11Global well-posedness and zero diffusion limit of classical solutions to 3D conservation laws aris…
- 2015-05-11A global unique solvability of entropic weak solution to the one-dimensional pressureless Euler sy…
- 2015-05-11Long time behavior of the Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann equation
- 2015-04-20模糊粗糙近似算子的单一公理刻画研究
- 2015-04-20论文获得高录用率的写作与修改技巧
- 2015-04-14Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation
- 2015-04-14Topological properties of fuzzy metric spaces
- 2015-04-09物竞天择
- 2015-04-0921世纪计算科学的新突破与大学生创新项目研究中的数学思维
- 2015-04-01On semiconical idempotent residuated lattices
- 2015-04-01图像处理科研团队研究进展