- 2016-04-21数理经济学选讲 1
- 2016-04-21数理经济学选讲2
- 2016-04-21On Existence of Equilibrium
- 2016-04-19On Representation of Preferences by Utility Functions
- 2016-04-13从百草园到科学殿堂
- 2016-04-12On exceptional sets in Erdos-Renyi limit theorem
- 2016-04-12统计是为决策服务的参谋
- 2016-04-12信息感知与融合技术研究展望
- 2016-03-31数学: 小学vs大学
- 2016-03-16Lawson拓扑与区间拓扑的紧pospace性和Priestley性
- 2016-01-13粗糙集理论及其应用最新进展报告
- 2016-01-06The rough membership functions on covering-based rough sets and their applications in real life
- 2016-01-06Quantitative analysis techniques in classroom teaching evaluation
- 2016-01-05Coordination of second-order multi-agent systems over directed networks: Lagrange systems
- 2016-01-05Coordination of second-order multi-agent systems over directed networks: gain adaptation
- 2016-01-01Matrix Inequalities on Group Level and Algebra Level