- 2016-06-05network-adaptive robust penalization for time-varying coefficient longitudinal model
- 2016-06-05Two-grid algorithms for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems based on HSS iteration method
- 2016-06-05Convergence analysis of HSS-multigrid methods for second-order nonselfadjoint elliptic problems
- 2016-06-02Normalized Laplacian spectra of some composite graphs
- 2016-05-31从二次型谈起
- 2016-05-29Small Perturbation of Some Unstable Systems
- 2016-05-29Exponential Convergence for 3D Stochastic Primitive Equations of the Large Scale Ocean
- 2016-05-25基于超图的几何模型拟合方法
- 2016-05-19粗糙直觉模糊集的拓扑结构
- 2016-05-19直觉模糊信息系统的信任结构
- 2016-05-09度量空间的映像
- 2016-05-05数学之旅
- 2016-05-03数理经济学选讲3
- 2016-05-03数理经济学选讲4
- 2016-04-29对称之美
- 2016-04-29Researches on Semisymmetric Graphs